Fanart in Pokémon

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bow down to Mudkip, the ultimate Pokemon

... do i draw this pokemone, but i can't remember its name, oops

new the hydro badge and blast badge

So a few days ago @ElizabethAftonSimpOffical requested me to make a ghost type form of grumpig for him. So here we are!

Pokedex entry in the article.

Se que no soy el mejor con los sprites, pero tengo megas, porfa juegos oficiales.

I know I'm not the best with sprites, but I have megabytes, please official games

I drew it myself didn't print it out Does it look good? gave me troubleI'll paint it sometime It's not quite finished yet 😉

Another Pikachu Pixel Draw


Your father clearly doesn't get, deep in the forest, Candice I led!

also idk why the icon gif is slow it was supposed to be like 4x faster

I like to imagine that a scenario where lost silver Ethan/Gold meets the cannon Ethan/Gold and lost silver is just telling him about all he has gone through and cannon is just horrified of what he(lost silver) had to go through